This week’s games will bring you a lot of excitement with attractive content came from team Akina and Valeria.

Let’s get to know more about the content and rules
- Pick a question and discuss in groups within 30 seconds
- Choose 6/24 letters on the screen and give the correct answer
Game 2:
- The teams take turns choosing a category and an amount of money
- Click on the chosen box to go to the answer
- If players guess the answer correctly, they get the chosen amount of money as point for their team
- If the answer is wrong, the remaining two teams will be given “one-two-three” to answer. And when they answer correctly, your team will lose 50% of the selected points
Game 3:
- Pick a letter and answer the question
- Then you must choose: KEEP THE BOX or GIVE THE BOX to other team but be careful, the points in the box can be Good or Bad.

The aim of these games is providing HFJ’s members knowledge about the Asia geography as well as Southest Asia port code. We hope that all HFJ members can improve their knowledge after playing these games.